Carbonseams powers sustainable choices at checkout

We are dedicated to revealing the full narrative behind a product’s color, size, and price: where it originates, who crafts it, and its role in promoting a responsible future.

What We Verify

Together with companies, people and organisations working with us.


Companies involved


People reached (final users)


Companies involvedHow transparency information is perceived


Products worldwide, equipped with Carbonseams Passports

Our values

What makes us tick


The ability of stories to enchant our imaginations, foster empathy, and unite different viewpoints is profound. Since the earliest times, humanity has relied on storytelling


We are convinced that scientific tools hold the potential to transform and generate sustainable solutions to address today's global challenges.


Technology gives us the power to address challenges. We cherish how it ignites innovation, inspiring us to continually discover its expansive potential in shaping a sustainable world.

Our team

What is our role

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